Any OPA Group employee, person or third party may use the Warning Procedure, in compliance with the law and regulations applicable in the country in which they reside or operate, if they suspect a breach of the Code of Ethics or OPA Group rules and policies.
In the event of recourse to the warning procedure, OPA Group undertakes to respect confidentiality and protect the person making the alert (no reprisals, no change of status, no harassment or discrimination).
Environmental protection
Discrimination and harassment in the workplace
Human rights
Labor relations
Health, hygiene and safety at events (product use, contamination, disease outbreaks)
Health, hygiene and safety in the workplace
Theft in the workplace
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Accounting, banking and cash
Insider trading
Computer fraud
Anti-competitive practices
Relationships with suppliers and customers
Other violations of OPA Group rules and internal controls
Non-compliance with our commitments under the Responsible Purchasing Charter
In the event of attempted corruption
Personal data and information security issues
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OPA Group’s Internal Audit and Ethics & Compliance teams are jointly responsible for managing alerts raised via the alert procedure, in accordance with applicable OPA Group policies and procedures.
They will carry out a joint preliminary assessment of all alerts to determine the appropriate category and whether the case involves a potential breach of OPA Group law, rules or instructions.
The company has 7 days in which to acknowledge receipt of the alert, and must inform the author within a reasonable time of any action planned or taken as a result of the alert.